Tanzania Conservation Website

UX/UI design case study

Project type: student project

Role: UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

Project length: 3 months (January-March 2023)

Tools: Figma (UI design – wireframes and prototypes), Affinity Designer (illustration), Affinity Photo (photo editing), Pen & paper (sketches and wireframes), Miro.com (project board)

Design process: Design Thinking

Tanzania Conservation mockup - UX/UI design case study

Tanzania Conservation is a charity that is dedicated to the preservation of the Big Five animals: elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and rhinos.

The project’s goal was to design a new user-centred website that caters to the charity’s growing needs for fundraising, donations, and campaigns.

Challenge & Constraints

  • Challenge: Design a responsive and accessible website reflecting the charity’s modern and forward-thinking nature, aiming to increase annual turnover from £1m to £3m in five years.
  • Target audience: Donors, activists, members, and prospective candidates.
  • Constraints: No available data on the existing user base or website, the research needed to be focused on analysing similar solutions and their users.
  • Project scope: Design a desktop version of the website.


The final design is the result of my research findings and feedback from peers and tutors throughout the course.

This UX/UI design case study showcases my design process and rationale behind the design.

Visual website

My design incorporates striking images and two bold colours – teal/green and yellow – that bring the big five to life. The prominent donation button, with its high colour contrast, is hard to miss, and it will hopefully help the charity achieve its goal of increasing yearly turnover.

Home page

The structure of the home page takes the user on a journey of exploring the charity’s activities and highlighting its success stories, while also prompting the user to get involved and help the organization.

About us

On this page, the user can find important information about the charity. Transparency was a significant issue raised in the user research, so the charity’s core values and mission are highlighted, along with testimonials from the community and volunteers.

Getting Involved

For every organization that relies on donations, it is important to have multiple streams of income. Visitors to Tanzania Conservation have multiple ways to support the organization. They can fundraise, become a member, volunteer, or simply donate. If a user chooses to become a member, they have three membership options to choose from, with multiple benefits to keep them engaged.

Tanzania Conservation website showing four final mock-ups - Home page, About us page, Get involved page and Become a member page

My design process

01 Empathise

I began my research by analysing the websites of five competitors, with a focus on their features, design, and user experience.

Key weaknesses:
  • Lengthy sign-up and donation forms
  • Too much content
  • Lack of consistency in wording and colours
Key strengths:
  • Highlighted impact and achievements
  • Use of emotional messages or images to encourage users to donate
  • Preselected donation amounts
  • Included social proof such as testimonials
  • Provided financial information for transparency
Screenshots from competitors' websites with digital sticky notes

I created a project mood board, and conducted user research what gave me valuable insights into the target audience’s needs and preferences.

Key findings:
  • Individuals tend to support charities that have personal significance to them.
  • People appreciate seeing the tangible impact and benefits of the charity’s work.
  • Transparency regarding the allocation of funds is important to donors.
  • People are hesitant to provide excessive personal information.
  • Lack of transparency and accountability can decrease an organization’s credibility in the eyes of potential supporters.
Moodboard showing a grid of photographs - UX/UI design case study

02 Define

Based on the design brief and preliminary research, I have formulated the main problem statement:

Tanzania Conservation is facing challenges in meeting its growing fundraising and marketing goals due to an outdated website.

Based on the user research conducted, I have created personas that reflect typical users of the Tanzania Conservation website.

Two user personas side by side

03 Ideate

Based on the research, brief, and charity’s needs, as well as taking into account common web patterns, I defined the website’s architecture.

I used a Miro board and digital sticky notes to capture my initial ideas, and then narrowed down to the key pages and features.

Site architecture - sticky notes and diagram

I sketched low-fidelity wireframes on paper and then transferred them to Figma for digital design. I iterated multiple times, exploring different layouts and user flows.

Low fidelity wireframes - UX/UI design case study

04 Prototype

I developed a concise design system that included typography, colours, and other design elements.

For my final prototype, I made use of Figma’s helpful features, such as Styles and Components, to ensure a consistent and streamlined design.

Prototype insights showing spaghetti lines - UX/UI design case study

05 Test

I tested my solution with giving users three tasks and observing their interactions with the website.

The tasks were:
  • Find out how to Get Involved.
  • Join the organisation as an Individual member.
  • Donate £25 to the organisation using PayPal.
Example user flow
